Thursday 5 January 2012

Armageddon All Stars

Since the end of the world is obviously going to occur this year, I thought it would be pleasant to bring you some artists that will hopefully provide the soundtrack to man's great demise and what a way to go it would be. So without further ado, here are my Armageddon All Stars for 2012.

Frank Ocean
Nowadays, the term R&B doesn’t hold all that much meaning to it. The Rhythm and Blues has been replaced by an excessively produced hook with the occasional bit of rapping thrown in the mixer –pop for the ‘urban’ generation. With this in mind, it is incredible to hear somebody like Frank Ocean entering the charts and taking back this once-meaningful genre. His first mixtape, Nostalgia, Ultra showcases mature lyrics, soulful rhythms and a voice that holds a ridiculous amount of passion. In fact, the mixtape was so impressive it was re-released as a purchasable album almost 4 months after being given away for free! I really cannot wait to hear Frank crooning his way through 2012.   

A$AP Rocky
A surprise inclusion on BBC’s sound of 2012 list, A$AP Rocky seems to have come out of nowhere with his very own entourage of ASAP (Always Strive And Prosper) producers. It’s no wonder then, that his latest mixtape, ‘LiveLoveAsap’ is crammed full of with fresh beats and, in his words, is “better than most people’s albums”. Despite being a New-Yorker, Rocky’s style is not what you would expect from the Harlem-born youngster; the combination of southern-inspired flows and aggressive delivery make tracks distinguishable from most east-coast emcees whilst maintaining an incredible sense of conviction. Although his debut may be quite some time away, bangers such as ‘Peso’ are sure to keep the blood pumping through your veins. 

Had more of a guest role in 2011 but after the release of the massive ‘Earthquake’, there is no doubt that Lab will be making the transition to standalone artist this year.  With collaborations involving the likes of Chase and Status, Tinie Tempah and Devlin under his belt there is no question that Lab can mix it with the big boys of British urban music. His debut album, ‘Electric Earth’ is sure to include the cream of UK talent and once complimented by Labrith’s signature singing style and immaculate production skills it could easily be a contender for debut album of the year. 

Azealia Banks
It’s no secret that hip-hop is predominantly a man’s game, I’m not trying to start a gender thing here this is just a fact; the majority of good emcees are men. The great thing about this though is that it makes it all the more exciting when a decent female breaks onto the scene. Since she dropped ‘212’ a couple of months back, hype machines have been going crazy for the girl, and rightly so. In short, Banks is a fast-paced, fire breather and in my opinion no female rapper is even close to Azealia at the moment. Foul-mouthed and chocked full of attitude, Banks is sure to snatch the crown for best female rapper from anyone who dares try and claim it.

Maverick Sabre
If I was slightly shocked to be including a female rapper on this year’s list, you can imagine my surprise at the inclusion of an Irish hip-hop star. His groany singing style could be compared to the sounds of Paulo Nutini whereas his Hackney-inspired rhyming style is both charming and coherent. The ease in which Mav switches from singing to rapping makes tracks flow brilliantly - think of a less aggressive Plan B and you're somewhere on the way . Sabre’s unique tones have a recognisable edge to them which means that he really stands out in collaborations, as efforts with Chase & Status and Pro Green have already proven. 

A good friend put me on to Stalley and I must admit, with him being signed to Maybach Music I was kind of sceptical about the type of rapper he was going to sound like. I really shouldn’t be so judgemental because not only are his bars impeccable but he is one of wittiest, most conscious emcees I have listened to in a long time. His fresh perspective definitely broke the Maybach mould and I must say that although Rick Ross sucks dick, he certainly has an ear for talent.  His mixtape, Lincoln Way Nights is packed full of dope rhyming and elegant beats, illustrating just how much potential Stalley has to offer in our final year on earth. 

And hey, if the world doesn't end...At least we've got a Stars of 2013 to look forward to.

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